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    Por favor, prueba que eres un humano seleccionando el avión. .


    Ski Instructor & Guide

    Endika Aguilar was born in Spain. Passionate about sports in nature, social educator, ski instructor (Level 2 Sports Technician in Europe with ISIA international recognition), boat captain and SSI Scubadive instructor, his other passion.

    After years working in the field of functional diversity, he decided to make a change in his life and make his passion his profession. He has four years of experience teaching both the youngest and the oldest to enjoy skiing, the mountains and nature.

    His professional career has given him the opportunity to learn to be empathetic, patient and very decisive when it comes to managing individual or group lessons suitable for all family members.
    «I don’t understand sport without having a good time, and the basis of my classes are safety, fun and learning.»